Translator Buckethead Brazil

sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2011

Buckethead - Empty Space

1 - Combs and Wattles
2 - Wormers
3 - Empty Space
4 - Dummy Egg
5 - Pullets
6 - Perched
7 - Hatched
8 - Portable Pen
9 - Leghorn
10 - Scrape the Dirt Off

terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011

Buckethead - Its Alive

1 - Lebrontron
2 - Tonka
3 - Peeling Out
4 - Barnyard Banties
5 - Crack The sky
6 - The Hatch
7 - Brooding Peeps
8 - Picking The Feathers